Geri and Tom Herges
We are Geri Herges (63) and Tom Herges (73) from Minnesota! Our MMZero commitment started in January 2020 when a plea for food prep persons and cooks was added to the website. Retirement needed a boost! An adventure of this magnitude, support of family (KJ and Casey are nephew in law and great niece) and a great chance to support both paddlers and river quality encouraged us to say ,YES! We both were born and raised in large families, hence, food prep for many people. We are honored to be given this opportunity and we will not fail!
Paul and Kris Dobbel
We are Paul (66) and Kris (64) Dobbel. When asked if we could assist in meal prep for the paddlers and crew we said, “why not – it will be an adventure”. In this time of lockdown and isolation we view this as a unique opportunity to be with a safe group of people and to be part of and assist in a major achievement.
Lisa Millhone
The power of the mighty Mississippi coupled with the will of Mother Nature is not a force easily overcome by man. The history of this river is mythic and overawing. This team plans to press up against that history and attempt a demand to be included. At its nucleus this is an athletic test that requires organizational and logistical backing. My pledge is to do as much behind the scenes as possible to keep the paddlers thinking solely about putting their paddles in the water.
Cindy Moy
Lisa asked if I wanted to go on an adventure and after a year of working from home it seemed rather a good idea to spend time in nature among friends. I’m part of the support crew as the media manager. Protecting our waterways is a worthy quest for everyone.
Donavan Cummings
I’m super excited to be part of the support team and doing my small part on the water to keep the team safe. The Mississippi River Is a living breathing entity that is constantly evolving. There can be many hazards Including floating debris, underwater obstacles, the current, wing dams, barges, the locks and the weather. It is also a beautiful place that can take you back in time when the rivers were the superhighways. I’m also hoping to fill in some of the missing parts of the river I missed on my 2011 trip from Lake Pepin to Belize.
Derek Chin
When I first met KJ and heard his story of breaking the record, I was fascinated by the challenge. I told him that if he ever wanted to break the record again that I'd figure out a way to help him. Honored to be captaining the support crew on the night shift, I am extremely excited by the opportunity to help the team this year. I am so impressed with the amount of training, strategy and teamwork that is going into this voyage and will be doing anything and everything I can to make the most of every minute! As a bonus, I am fortunate to be joined by a great college friend, Tim Striegel. Can't think of anyone I'd rather be stuck with for 2 1/2 weeks on the open water.
Tim Striegel
I was asked to join this adventure by Derek Chin, a close friend from college. Growing up in IL, I have always had a fascination with the river and getting a chance to float it is a lifelong dream. I'm honored to be involved with, and in support of such an incredible feat. I look forward to witnessing history!
Sami Diab, MD
I look forward to providing physical as well as emotional, spiritual, and social support to the team members as they strive for their goal. I also look forward to seeing the country with my wife, Dr. Liliane Diab, and the other members of the support crew.