Our Goal : to set a new world record!
Our Quest is to protect the Mississippi River.
break the record, protect the river.
In May of 2021 we broke the Guinness world record for the fastest time canoeing the length of the Mississippi River - That’s 2350 miles from Lake Itasca, Minnesota to Mile Marker Zero in the Gulf of Mexico in less than 18 days. That means we paddled over five marathons a day for almost 18 days in a row. That’s like paddling a canoe from Los Angeles to New York in a little over two weeks! So who is crazy enough to do something like this? Team MMZero - Casey Millhone, KJ Millhone, Rod Price, and Bobby Johnson.
Our Quest is to protect the Mississippi River. We are partnering with the Mississippi River Network, a coalition of 56 non-profit organizations dedicated to protecting the river. Learn more and become a River Citizen at 1mississippi.org.

2021 MMZER0 World Record Sponsors
provide clean water!
The Mississippi River Network is a coalition of 56 organizations working toward a healthy and resilient River for the land, water, wildlife, and people of the United States’ greatest River.
save our water ways
Network members share resources, implement whole River strategies, and support the 1 Mississippi national program. The Network has grown into a diverse coalition of nonprofit organizations and businesses from the River’s headwaters in Minnesota, to where it drains into the Gulf of Mexico.
Learn more about these and other issues at www.1mississippi.org.
There are easy, immediate steps you can take to have positive impact on the Mississippi – click on the links below to get started.